Geoscanning method Четверг, 26.12.2024, 16:27
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Given initial data

Given initial data for forecast (in files of JPG, BMP, TIFF and etc. format). Absolute coordinates x, y, z and reserves (contents) - are not necessary).

Topographical map in form of isolines (including traditional maps scanned with resolution >=200 dpi) with outline forecasting area and outlines and/or discrete points of verified reference mineralization.

Topographical map should have kilometrical grid or scale legend. Projection of topographical map due is such so that kilometrical grid should be square.

Outlines of reference ore mineralization may be as inside, also outside forecasting area. In last case for reference ore mineralization also give topographical map such a scale that for forecasting area. Method works even when distance from reference ore mineralization to forecasting area at least 200 km.

Topographic maps of scales 1:200000-1:100000 well works for discovery ore fields and large deposits, of scales 1:50000-1:25000 – for deposits and theirs sectors, of scales 1:10000-1:2000 – for discovery concrete ore bodies. For forecast on topographical map of scale 1:50000-1:25000 optimal forecasting accuracy is 120 m, when scales are larger or lesser, should be considered accordingly to increase or to decrease forecasting scale.

Verified reference mineralization is a vertical projection onto the surface of mineralization parameters of a certain ore formation: value of any ore element above, any boundary value, from any depth, at any level of exploration, in any form of calculation (total reserves, reserves (content) availability etc.; it is allowed to include produced reserves).

Note: man-caused changes reflected on the topographical map result in forecast deterioration. In case elevation isolines on reference ore mineralization they due be restored.


Cost for a forecast when various accuracy (A) calculates on formula:

Cost the 1 square km in dollars = 1132000/ A2

For example, when forecast on area 50 square km with accuracy 120 m – cost amount to 4000 dollars, with accuracy 40 m on such an area – 36000 dollars; when forecast on area 50 square km with accuracy 240 m – 1000 dollars, with accuracy 360 m on such an area – 444 dollars and etc.

Example of initial data (look pic.)

Also can be provided to us any additional data improving quality of forecast too:

- geological information in form of geological, structural, tectonic and other maps and layouts with legend; aerial / space photographs specifying geological structure of region, explored area in any public software format.


Results of forecast are following:

- prognostic layout (vertical projections of prognostic mineralization with parameters of specified reference mineralization such as reserves, content, depth and etc.), for specified area, with accuracy A, with interpreted and selected perspective sectors in form of layers on given topographical map prepared in Excel format and short explanatory note (look examples 1 and 2).

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