Geoscanning method Четверг, 26.12.2024, 16:26
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General Information

Our research team has developed a fundamentally new prospecting method of various ore mineralization at any depth - geoscanning method (multipoint measurement).

It based on other principles then all existing prospecting methods, hasn't analogy and gives result when other methods don’t works (particularly at depth).

The main point of the method is a search of hidden and overlapped abyssal mineral resources.

For a number of ore fields in Uzbekistan and Russia this forecast produced excellent and already confirmed results.

Accuracy of forecast is very high - up to detection of ore bodies.

To make forecasts using geoscanning method only topographical map and outlines and/or points on reference mineralization are required.

The geoscanning method is accurate, effective and not laborious. It can be applied in complex with other prospecting methods.

Using known ore as a sample in the geoscanning method, the mineral resources hidden at any depth can be determined locally, precisely and in detail. The parameters of discovered

resources (depth, content and etc.) will correspond to the sample.

Topographical maps of scales 1:200000-1:100000 well works for discovery ore fields and large deposits, of scales 1:50000-1:25000 – for deposits and theirs sectors, of scales 1:10000-1:2000 – for discovery concrete ore bodies.

The method is quite applicable to the prospecting for oil and gas.


  • Method identifies unknown hidden and overlapped deposits at any depth. When method works it uses base .isolines of topographical map without coordinates and outlines and/or points of reference mineralization.
  • Geoscanning method is know-how technology among existing in geology prospecting methods.
  • Estimated cost for a forecast on the one square kilometer with accuracy 120 m - USD80. We make forecast and with another accuracy too.
  • The forecast fulfillment period of 50 km2 with accuracy 120 m - is not more than three months.
  • We conduct test (verification) deep forecast free of charge within 3 months using given initial data for area up to 50 km2  with precision not less than 120 m.
  • Expected result of our forecast is very high - every 3rd drill hole or mine working will contain ore.
  • Accuracy of forecast is also very high (up to detection of ore bodies) and decrease exploratory drilling and thus reduces cost and time of operations.
  • Method works even when distance from reference ore mineralization to forecasting area least 200 km.
  • Method can discover unknown hidden deposits using certain well-known deposit as an example.
  • Method can choose better objects from the number of not large and insufficiently explored deposits of the same kind.
  • Method can choose the most perspective deposits with highest increase of unexplored resources from several deposits of the same kind that are offered for tender.
  • Method can discover unknown hidden resources on deposit flanks. A deposit can be set out for tender as medium-sized and when in reality it may be much larger. Also

a well-known deposit can be just a small part of an unknown so far large hidden object.

  • Results of our forecast can be easily and quickly verified with several exploratory wells.
  • It is possible to make a risk-contract with payment under condition of successful verification of our forecast and actual increase of ore reserves.
  • It is possible to make a contract agreement privately or with juridical person.


Literature: "Application of non-traditional approaches to the forecasting of latent and recovered gold mineralization (on the example of Chadak ore field)". Geology and mineral resources, #3/2001 (Republic of Uzbekistan).


Vladimir Ivanov


Regional Expedition under the State Geological Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Tel: +998712760120 - with mobile

8-(1099-871) 276-01-20 – with stationary

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